vendredi 13 mars 2015

Des menaces à la sécurité à l' University of California, Irvine, obligent le report répété d'une assemblée

13 mars 2015. 

L' University of California, campus de Irvine fait face à des menaces à la sécurité dans l'affaire anti-drapeau (antiflag)

Suite à l'échec d'une tentative de bannir le drapeau américain des bureaux administratifs étudiants du campus de près de 30,000 étudiant, une assemblée prévue d'abord le 10, puis le 12 mars 2015, a dû être annulée de nouveau, pour des raisons de menaces persistantes à la sécurité.

Voici (en anglais) des extraits de communiqués émis entre les 10 et 12 mars 2015 :

Message from UCI

March 12, 2015 – After further consultation with University Administration, it has been decided that tonight’s Legislative Council will be cancelled due to continued security concerns. The measure of highest importance for the University is the safety and well-being of all students and the campus community at-large.


The statement below is from the ASUCI Executive Cabinet, and the Legislative Council Speaker, the student leaders of ASUCI 
March 10, 2015 – AFTER CONSULTATION WITH UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION, WE AGREE WITH THEIR DECISION to cancel THIS EVENING’S LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL DUE TO SECURITY CONCERNS. As of now, the measure of highest importance for ASUCI leadership is the safety and well-being of all students and the campus community at-large.

UCI Legislative Council meeting scheduled for tonight cancelled due to violence threat

The statement below is from the UCI Administration 
Irvine, Calif., March 10, 2015 – Earlier today UC Irvine officials received a viable threat of violence associated with the recent controversy over the display of national flags in the lobby of student government offices. The campus is taking this threat seriously. As a result, the administration decided to cancel tonight’s meeting of the student-government Legislative Council. Student government leaders responsible for convening this meeting support this decision [...]

University of California, Carte du Campus Irvine dont la clientèle approche les 30,000 étudiants en 2015. Crédits image :

Pour un survol rapide des faits en français sur le présent blogue:

L'Université de la Californie à Irvine oppose son veto au vote anti-drapeau américain (samedi 7 mars 2015)

L'association étudiante de L' University of California tente de bannir le drapeau américain (samedi, 7 mars 2015)